Financial success is similar to physical goals of scaling a mountain or hiking a up and down a canyon in that the key to success is not just hard work, but careful planning and an awareness of all things that can affect whether or not the goal is accomplished.
We began our Company providing tax preparation services for individuals and businesses as well as payroll and accounting services for business clients. While we still provide those services, and in fact those services comprise our core business activities, we have developed knowledge and experience in related areas that we use to help clients evaluate and improve their individual financial lives and businesses. It is these areas that often affect whether or not financial goals are achieved
For individuals, these areas include, in addition to tax planning, evaluating the need for a trust, ensuring college retirement goals are addressed as early as possible, and that the types of retirement investments (real estate, equities, etc.) are risk-appropriate, as well as any other personal financial goals and objectives.
For businesses, these areas include proper budgeting, evaluating actual results compared to budgeted expectations, analyzing financial statements, monitoring working capital, determining when price increases are necessary and estimating the effect of an increase on revenues and profits, determining what your business is worth, etc.
When all of the details are identified, evaluated, and monitored, you are on your way to financial freedom and the comfort that comes with it. We can help you get there.